Latter Day Struggles
The Latter Day Struggles Podcast addresses beliefs and issues within the LDS faith that are challenging to talk about but vital to discuss for those trying to navigate their relationship in or around the church. Valerie and her guests invite psychological maturity, theological health, and institutional integrity.
Latter Day Struggles
Latest Episodes
283: Patriarchy and its Connection to Low Empathy in Men
282: LDS Women Model Community over Ideological Purity
281: The Evolution of Strong Women’s Voices in the Mormo-sphere
280: Post-General Conference “Office Hours” Subscriber’s Recording
279: Strategies to Heal Mixed-Faith LDS Couples
Fan Mail
This podcast is changing my life! I had struggled in deep confusion and feelings of doubt that my Heavenly Parents loved me, or that They were even there at all. But Valerie’s ability to confront difficult subjects in the church and explain psychological concepts, while at the same time making you feel heard and validated, loved by God, and part of a community is incredible. I’ve never felt closer to God or understood the Atonement of Christ better than I do now. What I've learned here is helping me navigate a complicated relationship with the church and has made me realize that maybe I can be the growing, changing person I am and still be a part of the LDS church. I could go on and on about how amazing this podcast is but I’ll keep it short😊Thank you Valerie for doing what you’re doing!! God bless you🙏